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La Finice Swing Cut Hair Cutting

LA FINICE® Life Movement Energy

LA FINICE® SWING CUT® is for everyone who wants to give their hair a visible and tangible quality by creating VOLUME and a DYNAMIC LIGHTNESS . The hair is alive and moves in its natural hair shape. The BOUNCING POWER is emphasized and the HAIR'S NATURAL TWIST is harmoniously supported. The hair shows its pure vitality.

LA FINICE® SWING CUT® is a unique hair cutting technique and a craftsmanship philosophy.

This well-founded technique allows the individual freedom to grow into something new. The basic essences are self-realization and the promise to respond to and strengthen each personality without trying to change it.



La Finice Scwing Cut hair cutting technique

Fine hair

gets more volume.

Curly hair

becomes airier and the curls become fuller, more bundled and more controlled.

Thick hair

becomes tamed, softer and more bouncy.

The haircut

grows with the hair, does not lose its shape and lasts twice as long as other haircuts.

La Finice Scwing Cut hair cutting technique
La Finice Scwing Cut Hair Cutting

Tested and tried

LA FINICE® SWING CUT® is one of three patented hair cutting techniques worldwide. The emphasis is on “cutting technique” and not on the word “haircut”.


Read the facts about LA FINICE® SWING CUT®   after.

Lara De Donno

The history

The developer and soul behind LA FINICE® SWING CUT® is Lara De Donno. A strong and expressive woman who not only loves her job, but also lives it down to the last hair fiber and has been researching it for over 25 years.

La Finice Scwing Cut Hair Cutting


Lara De Donno's ACADEMY offers tailor-made training for hairstylists and entire salons. Lara De Donno's many years of experience as a stylist are incorporated into the training courses.


Find out more about the TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES .

La Finice® Swing Cut®

LA FINICE® SWING CUT® is the pure essence of naturalness, elegance, harmony, precision, passion and lightness.

La Finice Scwing Cut Haare schneiden

Geprüft und erprobt

LA FINICE® SWING CUT® ist weltweit eine von drei patentierten Haarschneidetechniken. Die Betonung liegt dabei auf «Schneidetechnik» und nicht auf dem Wort «Haarschnitt».


Lesen Sie die Fakten rund um  LA FINICE® SWING CUT®  nach. 

Lara De Donno

Die Geschichte

Die Entwicklerin und die Seele hinter LA FINICE® SWING CUT® ist Lara De Donno. Eine starke und ausdrucksstarke Frau, die ihren Beruf nicht nur liebt, sondern auch bis in die letzte Haarfaser lebt und seit über 25 Jahren erforscht.

La Finice Scwing Cut Haare schneiden

LA FINICE® erlernen

Die  ACADEMY  von Lara De Donno bietet für Hairstylisten sowie ganze Salons massgeschneiderte Schulungen an. Die langjährige Erfahrung von Lara De Donno als Stylistin fliesst in die Schulungen mit ein.



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